Data protection policy

This policy sets out how TAM Container collects, processes uses, discloses, manages and protects your personal data. It applies to your use of the website and to any personal data you provide to us.  

TAM Container
In this policy, “TAM Container”, “we” and “us” refers to TAM Container B.V. of Brielselaan 85, 3081 AB Rotterdam, The Netherlands, as holder of the website and data controller.

Personal data
Personal data means any data about a natural person who can be identified from that data, or from that data and other information to which we have or are likely to have access. It includes, among other things, your name, contact details, online identification (including the IP address used to connect your computer to the internet and information about your visit to our website), and personal information and documents that you give us, all as updated from time to time.

How we collect personal data
We may collect personal data from you in a number of ways, including but not limited to

  • when you provide personal data to us;

  • when you visit the website;

  • when you visit or post enquiries or interest in goods or services that we are capable of providing on third party marketplace or other websites or applications which seek to connect buyers and sellers;

  • when you ask us to contact you or provide goods or services to you;

  • when you use our goods or services; and

  • when you communicate with us in person or by telephone, email, messaging systems or other means.

Why we collect, process, use and disclose personal data
We may collect, process, use and/or disclose your personal data for these purposes:

  • to market, recommend, provide and enable us to supply goods and services to you;

  • to perform, implement and administer our contracts with you;

  • to assess, address and process your requests for, or enquiries regarding, our goods and services;

  • to verify your identity and evaluate opportunities to do business with you;

  • to analyse and optimize the performance and use of our website and other websites or applications through which enquiries about goods and services are referred to us;

  • to assess your suitability to work with us, and to manage your employment or engagement;

  • to identify our personnel and representatives to third parties, and otherwise as required for our business purposes;

  • to comply with applicable laws, contractual obligations, rules and regulations, including requests for information and directions of government authorities;

  • to update our records, for audit, legal and tax purposes, and to prevent or detect fraud and other crime;

  • (if and when applicable) in connection with the reorganization, sale, transfer or disposal of our business;

  • for any other purposes which are authorized or required by applicable law from time to time, or of which we notify you at the time we collect, use, disclose or process your personal data. 

Where we process, store and use personal data
For any of the purposes mentioned above, we may

  • transfer your personal data to TAM Containers and/or to our contracted third party service providers (if any); and

  • store, process and permit use of your personal data

inside and outside the European Economic Area, and any other countries in which TAM Containers does business. 

By providing personal data to us and/or visiting our website and/or enquiring about our goods or services via third party websites or applications and/or using our goods or services, you consent to such transfer, storage, processing and use.

How long we keep your personal data
We keep your personal data only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which we collected it, including for the purpose of satisfying any legal, accounting or reporting obligations. 

Protection of personal data
We make reasonable efforts to

  • protect and secure your personal data in our possession or control, and during transfer, against the risks of unauthorized access, modification, collection, use, disclosure, copying, disposal and similar risks;

  • limit access to your personal data to those personnel who need to know it for business purposes. 

We store your data on secure databases protected via a variety of industry-standard access controls. Secure passwords, SSL encryption, disc-based encryption, firewalls, and other measures are in place that help us to protect your personal data.


  • we do not guarantee the security of any of your personal data, nor that our website will be free of harmful or malicious code: please take any necessary precautions when accessing our website;

  • we do not control how third party service providers (such as website hosts) manage information they receive, and are not responsible for any mismanagement of that information by those service providers;

  • where our website contains links to other third party sites, we do not control the content of or links on those sites and are not responsible for their respective data protection policies: please check the data protection policies of such other sites to determine how they manage personal data collected from you.


Your rights and responsibilities
You have rights as described in applicable laws, rules and regulations in relation to your personal data.   

These include rights:

  • to request access to your personal data that we hold;

  • to correct inaccuracies in your personal data that we hold;

  • to information about how your personal data has been used and disclosed;

  • to request the transfer of your personal data to another party;

  • to request erasure of your personal data where there is no good reason for us to continue processing it;

  • to withdraw your consent to our processing of personal data at any time;

  • to ask us to suspend, or restrict, processing of your personal data:

    • where you believe that the data is inaccurate, or

    • where the processing is unlawful, or

    • where you need the data to exercise or defend legal claims, or

    • while we are assessing any objection that you have raised to our use of your data;

  • to object to our processing of your personal data:

    • for direct marketing purposes, or

    • where you dispute that we have a legitimate interest in processing your data under paragraph D of the section Legal basis for processing your personal data below, and no other paragraph of that section applies.

You are responsible

  • for complying with all applicable laws, rules and regulations in relation to personal data relating to a third party which you collect, use, disclose or otherwise process: by providing any third party personal data to us, you confirm that you have complied with all obligations in relation to that data and, where required, have informed and obtained the consent of the third party to our processing of that data;

  • for informing us of any changes to your personal data that we hold, to ensure that it is kept up to date and accurate.

Use of cookies
Our website uses analytics cookies (small pieces of data sent to your browser when you visit a site) to help our site to run effectively, provide the best experience for our visitors and analyze visitor traffic. Cookies on our website are used for the following purposes:

  • authentication and security:
    to verify your user name, password and device and determine when you are logged in, to make it easier for you to access website services and help prevent fraudulent use of login credentials;

  • customization:
    to remember information about your preferences, so that we can personalize content and provide better service to you;

  • performance and analytics:
    to analyse how the website is accessed, so that we can track and improve the performance of our site.

 By visiting our website, you agree to our use of cookies for these purposes.

Legal basis for processing your personal data
The following grounds form the legal basis on which we process your personal data. Each ground applies independently. For example, if your consent has been withdrawn or is no longer effective under paragraph A, we are still entitled to process your personal data if either B, C or D applies.

A    Your consent to this policy
By providing personal data to us and/or visiting our website and/or enquiring about our goods or services via third party websites or applications and/or using our goods or services, you consent to this policy. Where required by law, we may also seek your reconfirmation of that consent. Your consent applies to this policy as updated from time to time on our website.   

B    Processing your personal data is necessary for performance of a contract
We are entitled to process your personal data to the extent necessary for performance of a contract between you and TAM-Containers, or to enter into such a contract. 

C    Processing your personal data is necessary for compliance with law
We are entitled to process your personal data to the extent necessary in order to comply with any legal obligation to TAM-Containers is subject.

D    Processing your personal data is necessary for the legitimate interests of us or a third party
We are entitled to process your personal data to prevent or detect fraud; to report possible criminal acts or threats and respond to requests for information from government authorities; for the purpose of ensuring security; for direct marketing purposes; and for internal administrative purposes within TAM-Containers.

Changes to this policy
This policy is effective as of 1 January 2019. Any future changes to this policy will be posted on the website

How to contact us and exercise your rights
If you have any questions about this policy, or would like to exercise any of your rights in relation to your personal data held by any member of TAM Containers, please contact:


Data Protection Officer
TAM Containers

Brielselaan 85
3081 AB Rotterdam
The Netherlands

+31 (0)10 - 429 91 22
+31 (0)10 - 428 28 24